
Top 10 Most Successful Free to Play MMO Games 2015 | FreeMMOStation.com

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Top 10 Most Successful Free to Play MMO Games (as of 2015):

Drakensang Online


Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft


Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2


Dota 2

Dota 2

World of Tanks

League of Legends

League of Legends


Top 10 Most Successful Free to Play MMO Games 2015

Not many games are capable of drawing the attention of millions of players, but some of them just seem to do it like it’s nobody’s business. The following games are either extremely successful, with dozens, sometimes hundreds of millions of registered users, or up and coming blockbusters that are getting a lot of players in record time. If you haven’t played a single game from this list, then either you don’t want to get addicted in a way that could cost you a lot of sleepless nights and missed meals, or you haven’t ever touched a computer in the last decade. Either way, there’s still time to make amends.

Without further delay, let’s begin with a list of some of the most successful free-to-play games of late.

Read more at http://www.freemmostation.com/features/top-10-successful-free-play-mmo-games/

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Video Editing and Script: Vítor “Alexkayl” Braz
Voice Work: Skylent Shore: https://www.youtube.com/user/skylentgames
Intro and BGM: The Easton Ellises (http://theeastonellises.com/)

#Top #Successful #Free #Play #MMO #Games #FreeMMOStationcom